Leica CloudWorx 1.0 for PDMS

Leica CloudWorx 1.0 for PDMS

Leica Geosystems (Switzerland) announces Leica CloudWorx 1.0 for PDMS. CloudWorx 1.0 for PDMS is the latest addition to the Leica CloudWorx suite of products that enable professionals to use rich, as-built point cloud data directly in their native desktop design and visualisation platform. PDMS is part of AVEVA’s VANTAGE Plant Design family.

Key features and capabilities of Leica CloudWorx 1.0 for PDMS include:

  • measure – using PDMS’ own measuring tools
  • automated clash checking - using PDMS’ built-in clash management and reporting tools
  • PDMS Design Point (D-Point) placement - at ‘pick point’ or ‘centre-of-pipe’, D-Point placement lets users create intelligent as-built models directly in PDMS using catalogue components and objects
  • easy point cloud management – by Scan, ‘Limit Box’, ‘Cutplane slices and sections’, ‘Hide Region’
  • supports a variety of laser scanners – including native data formats from Leica Geosystems scanners, the industry’s most popular scanners
  • CloudWorx toolbars – access CloudWorx operations easily, conveniently, and fast
  • visualise a new design concept directly in context with reality.
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