More Intuitive ArcGIS for iOS

More Intuitive ArcGIS for iOS

Esri has released an updated version of ArcGIS for iOS that includes several enhancements, as well as support for pop-up windows, access to ArcGIS Online basemaps, and new collaboration features. The update gives users the ability to see additional information by simply tapping on the map. This intuitive feature makes accessing text, photos, pie charts, and website links even easier.

ArcGIS for iOS users can use a variety of ArcGIS Online base maps for viewing data. Accessible via a button on the user interface, the base map gallery contains topographic, aerial, and satellite maps. The included topographic map is a community base map that users have contributed to, ensuring that the data is authoritative.

Maps in the new ArcGIS can be shared via short message service (SMS), Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail. Users can instantly send their custom maps via text message or post them on social media sites to inform co-workers and friends and collaborate with others in the GIS community.

Esri added an intelligent dynamic legend to ArcGIS for iOS. Unlike static legends, which define symbology that is not visible at all scales, dynamic legends define symbols as they are revealed on the map. The user interface in ArcGIS for iOS has been streamlined to create more map space. Locations on the map can also be bookmarked, making it easier to switch between areas of interest.

ArcGIS for iOS can be downloaded from the App Store.

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