SDI Africa: January issue

SDI Africa: January issue

The January 2008 of the Spatial Data Infrastructure — Africa (SDI-Africa), a free, electronic newsletter for people interested in GIS, remote sensing, and data management issues in Africa, has been released. This issue includes (among many other items):

- Preliminary program for the 10th International Conference for Spatial Data Infrastrucutre (GSDI-10) now online, February 25-29, 2008, St. Augustine, Trinidad 
- South Africa Space Agency Bill - December 2007 
- Mauritius National Stategy for the Development of Statistics
- Zambia Association of Geographic Information Systems (ZAGIS) Email List 
- Tanzania GIS User Group (TZGISUG) spatial data meeting, 4 December 2007, Arusha, Tanzania 
- 5th edition of Kenya National Spatial Data Infrastructure (KNSDI) Newsletter (December 2007) 
- Council officials in Cameroon receive training in GIS/urban planning 
- Atelier de formation en Système d'Information Géographique du projet biodiversité des eaux douces, du 6 au 12 septembre 2007 au Centre de Suivi Écologique (CSE) à Dakar, Sénégal 
- New Urban Master Plan for Enugu, Nigeria 
- Project on mapping, assessment and management of transboundary water resources in the IGAD sub-region 
- Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) & Africa 
- Water authorities in Africa receive training in Earth Observation 
- African Geodetic Reference Frame (AFREF) progress peport (December 3, 2007) 
- 2008 USGS African Remote Sensing Market Research 
- FAO/PARIS21 Regional Workshop on the Integration of and Access to Agricultural Statistics for Better Formulation and Monitoring of Rural Development Policies, 8-9 December 2007, Algers, Algeria 
- Papers from the 20th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS), 10-13 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria 
- Proceedings of 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: Sub-regional Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, 8-12 October 2007, Lusaka, Zambia 
- Annual Seminar on Space Technology & Applications for Sustainable Development, 4-6 March 2008, Dakar, Senegal 
- South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) Biodiversity GIS 
- Madagascar Commune Census 
- Uganda mineral areas mapped 
- Brazil and China join forces to distribute satellite imagery to Africa at zero cost 
- Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia (IWMI Working Paper No. 123) 
- Madagascar forest change map 1990-2000-2005 
- Bathymetric surveys in the maritime part of the Congo River 
- Proceedings from Sahel Conference 2007: Improving Lives by Understanding Weather, held April 2-6, 2007, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 
- High resolution population maps for low income nations: combining land cover and census in East Africa
- Nigerian voting system modernized 
- Education Program on Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 
- YWCB Award for Professional African Women for the Advancement of Conservation Biology in Africa
- Financial Assistance to attend XXI ISPRS Congress in Beijing, 3-11 July 2008 
- Climate change as the ‘new' security threat: implications for Africa .


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