TatukGIS Supports Oracle Spatial/Locator Database

TatukGIS Supports Oracle Spatial/Locator Database

TatukGIS (Poland) announced the support for Oracle Spatial/Locator database coverages in a number of TatukGIS products.

This support includes:

- Reading/writing/editing Oracle Spatial vector map layers (SD_GEOMETRY)

- Creation of new Oracle Spatial tables and importing data into the tables

- Use of Locator spatial operators for server-side spatial queries (based on the DE9IM model)

- Utilisation of Oracle Spatial indexes


Oracle Spatial/Locator is supported in the latest versions of the following TatukGIS products:

- GIS Developer Kernel .NET (.NET WinForms GIS SDK)

- GIS Developer Kernel ActiveX (OCX based GIS SDK)

- GIS Developer Kernel VCL (Delphi/C++ VCL GIS SDK)

- GIS Internet Server (ASP.NET GIS map server SDK)

- GIS Editor (desktop application)


These TatukGIS products can connect directly to the Oracle Spatial database, without any 3rd party software. This means that the TatukGIS Editor can be used as an Oracle Spatial desktop client application and any new or existing custom GIS application developed with the Developer Kernel can be updated to become an Oracle Spatial client.

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